The 2024 WBF Online Women's Teams
The WBF Women’s Committee invites women players worldwide
to participate in a Teams event on RealBridge
16 to 18 February, 2024
Entries for this event are now closed. Click here for Captain and Player Information
Letter from the WBF President to welcome all the players
FAQ UPDATED 15 February - frequently asked questions about RealBridge and how it works - please click here to download it and read it carefully as you will find many answers to your questions !
The Tournament Directors:
Marc van Beijsterveldt (Netherlands), Chief TD for WBF Women’s Team Online on RealBridge, is one of the WBF Chie Tournament Directors and as well as being one of the most experienced Directors in the World, he is renowned for his organisational skills, technical bridge knowledge, his calmness, politeness and genuine desire to make sure every player enjoys their game
Marc will lead a handful of experienced TDs consisting of Sarah Amos (Wales), Gary Barwick (Australia), Ken Johnston (England), Vigfus Palsson (Iceland), Ryszard Sliwinski (Sweden). Marc and his team will be ably supported by Shireen Mohandes and Andy Bowles (RealBridge) for any technical problem.
Please follow these steps if you have not already done so:
1. Register with the WBF:
If you are not yet registered in the WBF Database please do so now. Each member of the team is required to register with the WBF if they have not done so already.
(Many will have already done this for previous live events). To check and to find your WBF code if you are registered, go to : and type any part of your surname (family name) ... you don't need to fill in the country. Then click the link to Find Persons and you will see your name and your code will be displayed.
2. Complete the WBF Commitment form
Each Member of the team must also complete the WBF Commitment form which is diital and can be completed online
click here to complete the online Commitment form.
3. Register your system
Each partnership needs to register their system, and this must be on the WBF System Card - you will find full details on this page, and can download blank forms or the Standard Card if you wish to use that. The final date for systems registration is 10th February and all registered systems will be displayed on a webpage so that you can see the ones for your opponents. Systems must be sent to by 10th February. Please ensure that you include your team name in the email when you send them. All the system cards will be displayed here for you to download when they are recieved, so please keep checking for new ones.
4. Pay your entry fee:
The entry fee will be 40 Euros for the entire team paid to the WBF Bank Account :
Crédit Suisse SA, Rue du Lion d’Or 5-7, P.O.Box 5722, 1002 Lausanne, Switzerland
IBAN CH58 0483 5154 6496 9200 0
Clearing 4835
Please make sure the reference is shown as "Online Teams" and if there is space, give your team name.